

目前顯示的是 4月, 2018的文章

M1- 30 Questions for my Self Discovery

 Hey me! I decide to answer the 30Qs about my self-discovery to review my life and my thought every month since Apr. 2018, this month. At least, I have to insist to do this for 3 years. Okay, without further ado, here is my answer to the 30 questions. It's also my first time formally answer these questions. 1. How do I feel at the moment?    Anxious about my procrastination of those important things in my life so far.    Fear of being this lazy, unmotivated attitude toward my life.    Guilty for wasting my limited youth.    Shame of not doing meaningful things, not being hard-working, not moving toward my goals.    Sorry for not paying attention to those people who truly care me as friends.    Happy for being together with my dad in my home. It's really precious. I should be aware of how valuable of the life and time that I can spend with my family right now. 2. What do I need more of in my life?     ACTION! AMBITION! RESPONSIBILITY!     I need to do more to achieve