

目前顯示的是 9月, 2014的文章

(S) One Inconvenient Thing I've Noticed on NCKU Campus

         Our campus is not friendly to the disabled. I suggest there should be more pass way for wheel chair user.        I remember the day before the NCKU Freshman camp, my partner and I used a trolley to transfer six iron long table from 勝利campus to 中正堂, However, on the way to 中正堂, we found there are roadblocks everywhere. we have to detour for a long distance to the only big entrance, which is for car. Besides, the big entrance connected to the road. We have to drew our trolley with heavy tables crossing the road, carefully avoiding hitting by cars. My partner and I realized that, today, if we are the disabled that we have to rely on the wheelchairs. It would be so inconvenient to move around the campus. There so many blocks. There is no one pass way for the disabled to cross from one campus to the other.      Thus, there should be more pass way for the wheelchair users. Thanks for ur listening.

(S) My Money Saving Tips

Resource:  Little Steps: 100 Great Tips For Saving Money For Those Just Getting Started http://www.thesimpledollar.com/little-steps-100-great-tips-for-saving-money-for-those-just-getting-started/ Today, I'm going to share my money saving tips with you. First of all, write a list before going shopping and stick to it. Have you ever had a experience that you walk into a store, trying to buy a bottle of milk, but end up you find yourself  buying a lot of snacks and something unnecessary apart from milk. So, make a careful plan of what you'll buy before you go, then stick STRICTLY to that list when you go to the store. Don't buy anything that's not on the list, no matter how tempting and you'll come out of the store saving a bundle. Second, when shopping for standard iems, such as clothes, books, cabinet, start by shopping used. Quite often, you can find the exact item you want with a bit of clever shopping at used equipment stores or second-hand bazaar. Go there

「學姊 一開始就很確定想唸外文系嗎? 」

身為大二老妹的憶當年...         因為每一科都有興趣,性向測驗結果也是幾乎樣樣都高度適合或有意願, 所以高一時有點煩惱要選哪類組, 人家說三類選擇自由,所以就在高一先修高二的物理化學生物微積分, 想先接觸就知道自己未來想不想念這個, 當難度越來越高的時候, 我發現唸物化好像不再那麼有趣, 我想像未來的日子我想一直鑽研這些嗎? 答案是否定的。 剛好那時候, 平時就蠻喜歡看管理創新商業類的雜誌, 像遠見,天下,經理人,商周,全球中央, 上到國貿經濟的時候也都津津有味, 開始覺得自己可能走 商, 把志願放在國企, 企管系. 為了更靠近自己的理想,當時就去報名行政院青輔會舉辦的創業體驗營,在很多老闆或創業家的教導下,扎扎實實的體驗商管企業的樣貌,走這條路,未來可能日日想著怎樣讓公司更好規模更大,會計怎麼處理,怎麼面試選人才,注意財經股市動態,投資,提企劃案,收購買賣,等等等... 實際嘗試後,便覺得這不是會讓我日日充滿熱情的生活,想到大老闆們的生活模式與情形,就覺得好像不適合自己 高三的時候,在龐大的課業壓力下,文學總是能舒緩我的心情,並且讓我因為了解更能包容各種人事物,透過文學, 我能學到很多很多東西,精神上很充實,而且這些收穫改變我的價值觀影響我實際作為, 對我來說很實用, 再加上從小對學語言都有極大的熱情跟興趣, 就覺得外文系可以考慮~~ 不過念外文出路是什麼呢? 我那時有點迷惘. 看看念外文學長姐的生活型態, 看104等人力銀行統計與過來人親身分享, 說八成的人大學唸的科系跟工作都不相關,即便相關,進職場也是幾乎從零開始,因為學校那套職場不適用。 也就是說,念什麼系就請選擇能令自己想到就全力以赴的東西~ 大學重要的是認識自己是什麼樣的人?適合什麼?並且抱著積極努力的態度充實自己,累積經驗,不斷嘗試,慢慢找到未來的想做的,有熱情的,再苦也不會累的東西。培養能力與熱情才是重點~~~ 於是,我無畏又高興又有自信地選了  外文系