
(Speech) British Literature class

Hi~~~~we are group 3.
 I am knight Arisa. And these are my knights company--Sarchi, ......(大家排一排, 一個個介紹say hi! ) Tell you a secret, actually, we are the round table knights. So, we, as knights in Camelot, are going to share with you guys about "The perfect knight in Sir Dawain and the green knight." (點開目錄) Here are the context. (帶過去每個人要講的標題')

Okay, let's define Perfect first. What comes to your mind when you hear perfect? A man who got full grades all the time? Or people who have perfect hot body figure? Any one wants to share? (沒[人說就接下去) well,  according to Oxford Dictionary, we know perfect is having all the required and desirable elements, qualities, or characteristic, as good as it is possible to be. Completely accurate. But,  we consider, Perfect is not absolute having no mistake, it should be FEW mistakes. Since no one is perfect. and perfect is not perfect. Close to perfect is perfect.

So, the perfect knight in the story, Sir Gawain. Why we consider him Perfect?
From line 911-927,....
When the narrator describes the pentagram on Gawain’s shield, he explains to us that the five sides of the pentagram represent the five areas in which Gawain excels


   What do you think about Perfection?

Someone with few flaws; possessing many desirable qualities. 

Someone with many if not all of these traits: 

beautiful on the inside and out. 

fun to be around. 

No one is perfect, but some people are close. 

2. Exactly what you're looking for and want.



《 最強腦科學時間術》重點摘要、筆記/ 樺澤紫苑著, 石玉鳳譯

圖片來源:博客來 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010787310 《 最強腦科學時間術》重點筆記 摘要 這本書具體地描述根據腦科學研究如何有效運用時間的方法。由於作者樺澤紫苑本身是日本的精神科醫師,為了幫助更多日本上班族更有效運用時間,減緩壓力所造成的精神疾病,故以日本人上班族的作息為例,講述如何搭配人腦生理運作機制,有效運用一天時間。 重點筆記 ㄧ、一天起床後開始的兩到三小時為大腦的黃金時間,適合從事需要集中力、心流的工作,作者用來寫作。 二、陽光、運動(走動)、除去視覺處理(閉眼)有益於大腦。 三、睡前拉開窗簾,陽光有助於血清素生成,使得一天開始的感受更好。 四、早晨迅速有精神的方法:淋浴(切換夜晚的副交感神經到白天的交感神經)、散步 五、每天運動能促進海馬迴神經元增長,工作記憶增強,對於有效率的學習、工作更有效。 六、理想的一天運用:   7:00-9:00   1. 自我投資 (大腦黃金時段)   2. 專心吃早餐補充血糖、   3. 通勤時間可以設主題性的思考、聽有聲書、閱讀電子書並且要產出,寫下三點心得或筆記,才能更有效吸收,將經驗轉化為做事的原則。   9:00-12:00   1. 集中處理 (最需要產值的事,例如寫作、創作、發想等)                   (一早回訊息、郵件容易浪費黃金時段,開會也盡量避免早上)   12:00-13:00   午餐、午休   1.午餐出外吃,透過走動、陽光、換環境能有效使大腦休息。     每口咀嚼至少二十次,至少專心吃十分鐘,才能有效促進血清素生成。     若邊吃邊思考、讀書、工作,會降低血清素分泌   2. 午睡20-30分鐘能讓頭腦有效休息,下午生產力提升。   13:00-17:00    適合回訊息、信件、處理瑣事、開會、與人互動有助於大腦休息。   17:00-19:00    運動、晚餐。     1. 傍晚適合運動一小時,能活化腦部,使得晚上也能像早上一樣高效,就相當於一天有兩倍的時間。運動過度則反而會使身體過於疲勞,需要休息而想睡。     2. 晚餐和家人、愛人、朋友聚餐有益於放鬆。   19:00-21:00   娛樂、興趣。摸寵物、看電影等。

The Story of ME & FRENCH。那些讓我著迷的法文歌 與 成大法文課 Le nouveau taxi et Communication.

跟著直覺選擇,第二外語選修法文。 對於一個語言抱持著熱情,學起來會非常有幹勁、非常開心,會不自覺傻笑。 親切的Stephanie 和 林蜀媛 老師的上課氣氛都是歡樂輕鬆,卻能同時不知不覺學很多東西。 每次一、三晚上輔導課上完心情極好,夜裡踩著單車,吹著涼風,一邊碎唸著剛剛學到的法文,或是耳機裡的法文歌,一邊在心裡慶幸自己當初做了這個決定。"Deux Kiss Salut" 太新鮮了,發自內心真心的很享受每次學法文的過程。Stephanie和印象中難搞難親近的法國人不同,她極為親切、愛笑、美麗、優雅。 而林蜀媛老師的課總是讓我理解到學語言就該是一件快樂的事,要認真複習、要記得教過的東西,但一切都是自然而然的。老師教得很清楚、易懂,說得過程又不會嚴肅無聊,不時補充一些法國的文化,或法國人的處世方式與想法。教到去麵包店買東西對話的那一課時,上課用google搜尋那些單字, 一邊看著圖片一邊記對應名稱。說到她最喜歡吃的葡萄蝸牛(麵包)、和安純老師去台南一間法式料理打算吃烤布蕾的不愉快經驗...,過程好有趣^^ 左上: 法文會話課本 左下: 法文課本 【文後附有音樂】 和法文有點緣分,國中時Carla Bruni讓我陶醉在她的法式呢喃裡,看小桃peachnote的無名時喜歡上她的背景音樂 (Rainy Green Grass) Mondialito, 兩位創作法文歌的日本人,輕輕柔柔的像躺在軟綿綿的雲上,沒有壓力。高中因為Best Friend Angelina接觸到 Joyce Jonathan,每次想起的畫面是, 在高師大圖書館自習完,約莫晚上十點離開時,從中間的旋轉樓梯下樓,掏出包包裡黑色SONY 開機,戴上耳機,Je ne sais pas一曲,跟著哼唱,雖然不知道內容卻依然好喜歡。另一個是Alizee,雖然第一次接觸到不是聽她唱法文歌,是 La Isla Bonita, 英文與西班牙文的結合,但是被她的魅力深深打動,她演唱時的每個眼神、動作都有電力~~,有次午休用SONY小黑(沒錯,我還下載影片隨身享有 <3 )分享給"她",她說~你怎麼知道這是我的胃口! 她超美! 後來google 才知道,Alizee其實是法文歌手。而她的成名曲 Moi, Lolita

M1- 30 Questions for my Self Discovery

 Hey me! I decide to answer the 30Qs about my self-discovery to review my life and my thought every month since Apr. 2018, this month. At least, I have to insist to do this for 3 years. Okay, without further ado, here is my answer to the 30 questions. It's also my first time formally answer these questions. 1. How do I feel at the moment?    Anxious about my procrastination of those important things in my life so far.    Fear of being this lazy, unmotivated attitude toward my life.    Guilty for wasting my limited youth.    Shame of not doing meaningful things, not being hard-working, not moving toward my goals.    Sorry for not paying attention to those people who truly care me as friends.    Happy for being together with my dad in my home. It's really precious. I should be aware of how valuable of the life and time that I can spend with my family right now. 2. What do I need more of in my life?     ACTION! AMBITION! RESPONSIBILITY!     I need to do more to achieve